Better Than Brass

No other agriculture sprinkler delivers the uniformity, dependability, and durability.

It's time to move past 50 year old technology

Impact Sprinkler

The R2000WF Rotator®

Barren “wind skip” areas develop where the distorted stream doesn’t reach the crop

Riser Vibration

Splash down

No Riser Vibration

The drive arm of an impact sprinkler directs a harsh “splash down” that seals the soil and causes crop damage directly around the sprinkler

It forms a tight wind-penetrating stream that is systematically broken up by a diffuser, filling in the water pattern.

Uniform water applicaton

no Splash down

The sweeping action gently distributes water droplets to the ground preventing soil compaction.

The impact sprinklers are unable to provide the uniformity growers demand.

The R2000WF Rotator® consistently delivers greater germination and unmatched uniformity.

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